If you are coming to our Sunday worship, or to Reflections or Uniting in Prayer Groups, please be aware of the following restrictions:

1. The Church will open from 10.00 am onwards.

2. A maximum of 42 people excluding the Minister is permitted in the Church and 17 people in the hall.

3. Keep proper 1.5 metres distancing while waiting to enter.

4. Only 1 person (or couple) will be allowed in at a time.

5. On entering, you will be asked to have your temperature checked, sanitize your hands and will be told that wearing a face mask is mandatory, and will accept and/or wear a face mask.

6. You must complete your name and details in the Attendance Register.

7. Please do not enter if in the last 14 days you have had any COVID-19 symptoms, been in contact with any confirmed or suspected case, or travelled internationally.

8. You will be directed towards a seat. All seating will be clearly marked. Do not move about the church and only greet people while maintaining proper 1.5 metres distancing. Avoid physical contact such as shaking hands, kissing and hugging.

9. Offerings may be placed in the plate before taking your seat. It is suggested that money be placed in an envelope before it is placed in the collection plate.

10. Remain seated during the service and do not move about.

11. No singing, to adhere to current Government requirements. The words of hymns will be displayed on the screen while the organ plays the music. Do not bring hymn books.

12. Up to 2 song leaders, standing at least 5 metres from the nearest person, may provide additional music.

13. If Communion is offered, it will be conducted and served to the congregation in their seats. This will be done in accordance with the Safety Plan.

14. At the conclusion of the service you will be ushered out pew by pew.

15. Maintain 1.5 metres social distancing before entering and after leaving the building. Do not congregate outside the building.